Today we’re going to give you 12 ways to quit smoking and give you 12 reasons why you should.
The highly experienced pharmacists at Apothecare are specially trained to help you succeed in your goal of quitting smoking and we’d love to show you how.
We’ll guide you through the quitting process and help you find you motivation to finally succeed. So let’s get started.
How to Quit Smoking
Here are our 12 tips that will help you quit smoking. Click on the tip to discover more information about each one. If your need some motivation to quit smoking jump right to our 12 Reasons to Quit Smoking now.
- Get Motivated
- Make Proper Preparations
- Use Nicotine Replacement Therapy
- Get Prescription Drugs to Ease Your Withdrawal
- Get Support
- Avoid Smoking “Triggers”
- Get Rid of the Evidence
- Find Relaxation Replacements
- Get Active
- Put off Your Diet
- Plan Your Reward
- Don’t Give Up
Sign up for a Quit Program to help
12 Tips to Help You Quit Smoking
1. Get Motivated: If you want to quit smoking, you’ll only succeed if you have the proper motivation. If you don’t want to do it, it won’t happen. Choose a reason or multiple reasons for quitting that will keep you motivated. Your reason needs to be strong enough to overcome your urge to smoke. We’ve listed 12 great reasons below to help you choose.
2. Make Proper Preparations: Don’t just quit “cold turkey”. If you prepare ahead of time, you will be more likely to succeed. There are many great, proven programs that can help you succeed such as The Quit Program that will support you and help you through the process. The Quit Program will give you a personalized quit smoking plan including side effect management.
3. Use Nicotine Replacement Therapy: As a smoker, your body is hooked on nicotine, so it will crave it if you stop completely. Gradually decreasing your amount of this drug through nicotine replacement therapy will curb your cravings and will help you through the withdrawal stages. Using nicotine gum, lozenges, and patches can help while you go through your quit smoking program.
4. Get Prescription Drugs to Ease Your Withdrawal: Talk to you doctor about using prescription drugs to help ease your cravings and withdrawal symptoms like problems with concentration and depression.
Use Nicotine replacement therapy or prescription drugs to help you quit smoking
5. Get Support: Let everyone that you know and who is close to you that you are trying to quit smoking so that they can support you. Joining a support group can also help.
6. Avoid Smoking “Triggers”: Take note of all of the activities that you used to connect with smoking and replace or avoid them. For example, if you usually have a cigarette with a coffee or while drinking, switch to tea or pop for a while.
7. Get Rid of the Evidence: Get rid of or clean anything that smells like smoke so that you won’t be reminded of smoking. Thoroughly clean your home, car, and clothes and use lots of air fresheners so that you can’t detect that scent. Also get rid of any ashtrays and lighters.
8. Find Relaxation Replacements: Smoking may be your go-to action to help you relax. When you are trying to quit smoking, find other activities that will help you relax instead of smoking such as getting a massage, listening to music, making time for a hobby, or going for a walk.
Thoroughly clean everything to get rid of the smell of smoke
9. Get Active: Physical activity can help to curb your craving and improve your withdrawal symptoms. If you feel the need to smoke, get up and do something active.
10. Put off Your Diet: Don’t try to diet at the same time as you are trying to quit smoking. If you try to deprive yourself of too many things all at once, you are more likely to fail.
11. Plan Your Reward: Decide on a reward for yourself. Figure out how much money you will be saving on purchasing cigarettes and then plan to use those saving to buy or do something special.
12. Don’t Give Up: If you don’t succeed the first time, try it again. It takes many people several attempts to quit smoking before they are successful. Take a look at what prevented you and use it as a learning technique for your next attempt.
Getting active can help you with the cravings
12 Reasons to Quit Smoking
1. Smoking causes lung cancer.
2. Smoking causes emphysema.
3. Smoking causes heart disease.
4. If you are a smoker, your rate of mental decline is up to 5 times faster in smokers than in nonsmokers.
5. Smoking makes you more susceptible to autoimmune diseases like Lupus.
6. If you smoke, your family will be at risk of the harmful affects of second-hand smoke.
7. If You are pregnant and you smoke, you will double the risk of sudden infant death syndrome.
8. If you quit smoking, you will look and feel younger.
9. Smoking increases your risk of erectile dysfunction.
10. If you smoke you are 4 times more likely to develop age-related blindness known as Macular Degeneration.
11. Smokers are more susceptible to rheumatoid arthritis.
12. You home, clothing, car, and breath will smell better.
Ready to Quit Smoking? Apothecare Can Help
“The Quit Program” by Apothecare is a smoking cessation program designed to help people in the Kitchener Waterloo area quit smoking. We offer nicotine replacement therapy, prescription medication, and follow up support through a personalized quit plan and side effect management process to help you be successful.
Contact us today and get started on your way to a smoke-free life!
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